Diversity with a business spin
Diversity with a business spin
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How's your Job?
Diversity with a business spin

As a founding member of the Novartis Employee Resource Group NICE – short for Network for Indian Cultural Exchange – Sujata Vaidyanathan always attached particular importance to diversity. But NICE was not just a social network, it always had a business rationale, too, she says. In her new role as Development Unit Head in Global Health, where social and business aspects merge in a way that is not seen in other areas of healthcare, Vaidyanathan can draw from her long experience in clinical research and bring her social and business expertise to the table, without ever ignoring diversity.

By Goran Mijuk

Published on 08/01/2022

How's your job?
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Transforming trauma
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Towards a new normal
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Breaking the silence
Diversity with a business spin
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